吞 吐 (2024)
Inhaling the Mountain, Exhaling the Echoes
单频影像(彩色、有声), Single-channel color video with sound, 18:32 min. 声音 Sound:李剑鸿 Li Jianhong
由阿那亚艺术中心委任创作 Commissioned by Aranya Art Center
The Yan Mountains hinterlands have been shaped by stone and
airflows, constantly growing and dissipating over immense timescales.
In a cave-like moving image space, as the viewer slowly adapts to the
light levels, rocks, trees, and clouds—dark images intuitively shot by
the artist—gradually appear. These forms of existence under these still
shots symbolize latent vitality. In this static, expansive field of vision, the
artist reveals another spectrum of perception. As she walked from the
mountains towards the sea, she happened to be carrying Wu Mingyi’s
novel Seabreeze Hotel. Her perceptions along the way dovetailed with
the book’s account. It was as if she had been swallowed up and spit
back out. She became a mountain, and was then able to understand the

Paint for Life, aranya art center, Beidaihe, China, 2024
Photo by 孙诗