The visions of Karma 



4k, single channel video, B&W,15’35”,2024
Music: ལྷ་མོ་སྐྱབས། Bone Lhamokyap


In recent years, artist Chen Xiaoyi has ventured multiple times into the heart of the Hengduan Mountains in search of high mountain lakes. The indescribable essence of nature, pointing to some origin existence—not of this moment, not now, unable to be captured in language, nor named—a continuous, intact yet vanished landscape. Continuing her exploration of geological time and scales, she seeks, through the "language" learned in nature, to anchor life experiences within a special spatiotemporal dimension, constructing and revealing a "world" of original coordinates.

Her video unfolds a journey where reality and illusion intertwine, guided by clues of the white conch as ecological memory, approaching the narrative of the earth’s life. The work is composed of still photographs taken along the way. For her, photography is a language beyond words, possessing the power to resummon things faded yet existing. Within the dimensions of photographs, memory, and imagination, she wields the medium's enchantment, redrawing the axis of finitude and transcendence, sketching a vanished landscape, also endeavoring to find the invisible paths within images vast and silent, allowing the enigmatic 'world' to unfold and reveal itself. Her works are dedicated to unearth a broader vitality from the ancient, with a perspective beyond human temporality to discover the inherent dynamism of being, resisting or structurally transcending the world of today.

Spoken Leaves 言 叶, 2024
Exhibition view, Matèria, Roma.
Courtesy the artist and Matèria, Roma.
Photo by Roberto Apa